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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past

Writer's picture: Tiago Sanches ValentinTiago Sanches Valentin

Released in the United States in April 1992, “A Link to the Past” is a flawless game. With high-quality 16-bit graphics, a soundtrack that rivals that of Zelda 64, and an ideal level of challenge, this game is a masterpiece. In my opinion, the success of Zelda 64 owes much to the legacy left by “A Link to the Past”. Don’t get me wrong, I love Zelda 64. It’s a fantastic game, with the best graphics in the series and the unmistakable “Zelda spirit”. However, many claim that Zelda 64 is the best game of all time, without ever having played “A Link to the Past”. About this, I can only lament, for they do not know what they are missing. I believe that the games in the “Legend of Zelda” series should not be judged as independent entities, but rather as parts of a whole.


As for the game’s plot… The Gods placed the Triforce in the Golden Land. Beings from other worlds were attracted by the power of the Triforce, hoping to obtain Power, Wisdom, and Courage. One day, a portal to the Golden Land was accidentally opened by a gang of thieves skilled in dark magic. Ganon, the leader of the thieves, eliminated his followers and obtained the Triforce. From then on, the Golden Land transformed into a world of darkness and destruction, known as Dark World. The seven sages of Hyrule united their powers and imprisoned Ganon in the Dark World. After centuries of peace, Hyrule was again plagued by pests and droughts. And that’s where you (or rather, Link) come in to save Hyrule!


"In a more than distant kingdom, the sky radiates gold and not blue. There, the power of the Triforce turns dreams into reality."




Light World


  1. Pound of Happiness - Step into this place and toss coins into the fountain. Once you’ve accumulated enough, you’ll gain the ability to carry more bombs or arrows. Repeat until you reach the maximum capacity.

  2. Ice Rod Cave - This is the location where the Ice Rod can be found.

  3. Witch’s Shop - Here, you can hand over a mushroom to be turned into magic powder and purchase green, red, and blue potions at reasonable prices.

  4. Waterfall Fountain - Enter the heart of the waterfall to discover a hidden fountain. Toss your boomerang and shield into it.

  5. Zora’s Domain - This is the underwater kingdom of Zora.

  6. Master Sword Location - This is the sacred place where the Master Sword rests.

  7. Bird Statue - Play the flute in front of this statue to awaken the bird.


Dark World


  1. Purple Chest House - This is where you find a purple chest. This chest should be taken to the thief at the entrance of the Light World desert so that he can open it, allowing you to obtain the bottle. The chest will only be available after you have taken the blacksmith’s partner back to his house.

  2. Frog’s Habitat - Here is where you find a little frog, who is the blacksmith’s partner. You should take him back to the blacksmith’s house in the Light World.

  3. Shovel Boy Location - This is the place where you find a boy who gives you a shovel, which you can use to search for the flute.

  4. Pink Bomb House - Here is where you can buy the pink bomb after Ganon enters the pyramid.

  5. Mirror Hill - This is the location where you should use the mirror to appear on top of a hill in the Light World and obtain the Bombos.


Zora´s Domain

  1. Meeting with Zora - Reach this spot to speak with Zora and purchase the flippers.

  2. After buying them, drop down the waterfall and follow this path to find a heart piece further ahead.


Here is a list of all the items in the game, along with their uses and where to find them. If you have any doubts about how to find any of the Big Chests mentioned here, see the Walk-through.



It’s the first weapon you get in the game and has four levels:

1st - Received from your uncle. 2nd - Obtained when you collect the three pendants and get the Master Sword in the Lost Woods. 3rd - To reach the third level, free the frog to the south of the Dark World village and take him to the blacksmith’s house in the Light World. Leave your sword with them, go for a walk and come back to pick it up. 4th - In the Dark World, at the same fountain where you throw the arrows to turn them silver, throw the sword.



Protects you from attacks and has 3 levels: 1st - Received from your uncle along with the sword.

2nd - Throw it in the fountain “inside” the waterfall in the Light World near Zora´s Domain or buy it in the Dark World.

3rd - It is inside the Big Chest in Turtle Rock, the 7th crystal palace.


Armor: Reduces damage from attacks and has 3 levels: 1st - You start with a green armor. 2nd - It’s a blue armor that reduces the damage caused by enemy attacks by 25%. It is inside the Big Chest of the Ice Palace, the 5th crystal palace of the Dark World. 3rd - It’s a red armor that reduces the damage caused by enemy attacks by 50%. It is inside the Big Chest of Ganon´s Tower, the palace you go to after getting the seven crystals of the Dark World.


Pegasus Boots: By holding down the A button, you can run. When you get the first pendant, go back to Sahasrahla’s house and he will give you the boots. 

Power Gloves and Titan’s Mitt:

They allow you to lift heavy objects, like stones. 1st level - Power Gloves - They are inside the Big Chest of the castle of the second pendant. 2nd level - Titan´s Mitt - They are inside the Big Chest of the castle of the 4th crystal in the Dark World. 


Zora’s Flippers: They allow you to swim. They are in the Light World. After getting the second pendant, follow the path indicated in red on the map. You will have to lift stones and run and bump into some piles of stones. When you get to the water, always walk in the light part, which is shallow. You should arrive in the Northeast, where you will find Zora, who sells flippers for 500 rupees.


Moon Pearl: With it, you do not turn into a rabbit in the Dark World. It is inside the Big Chest of the castle of the third pendant.


Lamp: It is probably the first item you will find in the game. It is in the chest inside your house.


Boomerangs: There are two, the blue and the red. 1st - The blue one is inside a chest in the dungeon of the castle, on the way where you save Zelda. 2nd - To get the red one, throw the blue one in the fountain “inside” the waterfall near Zora´s Domain. 

Bomb: There are two types, the blue and the pink. The blue one can be bought in several places. The pink one is bought in the place that is equivalent to your house in the Dark World and is used in the crack in the pyramid. To increase the amount of blue bombs that you can carry, enter the cave in the middle of the island in Lake Hylia and keep throwing money in the fountain. When asked, say you want more bombs. Repeat this until you can no longer.


They serve to store potions, bugs, fairies, etc… There are four: 1st - Buy from the man sitting in the middle of the street in the village. 2nd - In the house below, to the left, in the Light World village, instead of entering through the front door, enter through the back. Open the chest and get the bottle. 3rd - After taking the frog back to the blacksmith’s house, go back to the house but in the Dark World. You will find a chest that will follow you. Take it to the thief standing at the entrance to the desert in the Light World and he will open the chest for you. 4th - Swim under the bridge and talk to the man and he will give you the pot. 

Net: It is used to catch fairies and bugs and store them in a pot. Enter the village house where the boy is lying in bed. If you have a bottle, he will give you the net.


Book of Mudora: It is used to read ancient inscriptions. If you read something and the letters are mixed up, use the book. It is on top of the bookshelf in the library to the south of the village in the Light World. To knock it down from there, run and bump into the bookshelf.


Bow and Arrows: The bow is inside the Big Chest in the castle of the first pendant. The arrows you can buy or find. To increase the amount of arrows that you can carry, enter the cave on the island in the middle of Lake Hylia and keep throwing money in the fountain. When asked, ask for more bows. Repeat this until you can no longer.


Mushroom: Pick it up in the Lost Woods and take it to the witch who lives in the house furthest to the right on the map to get the Magic Powder.


Magic Powder: The witch will give it to you for the mushroom. Throw it on things.


Magic Mirror: It is used to return to the Light World when you are in the Dark World. When you climb Death Mountain for the first time, the old man will give it to you as soon as you leave the cave.


Hammer: Use it to break things, flatten stumps or cause a small tremor in a small area on the ground to flip enemies (like turtles, for example). It is inside the Big Chest in the castle of the first crystal in the Dark World.


Hook Shot: It is used to grab distant items or stick to somewhere and pull you, helping you to cross rivers or holes. It is inside the Big Chest in the 2nd castle of the Dark World.


Shovel: It is used to dig in “soft” terrains. It is given to you by the boy who is on top of the log in the clearing of the Dark World. He is in the same place as the boy who plays the flute in the clearing of the Light World.


Flute: It is used to call the bird and travel fast to various places. Go to the clearing of the Light World and dig in the upper left corner to find it. Then go to the center of the village in the Light World and play it in front of the bird statue. It will break and a little bird will fly. Now whenever you want to use it, play it and wait for the bird.


Ice Rod: It shoots an ice beam. Go to the lower right corner of the map in the Light World. There is a cave there. To the left of the entrance, there is a crack in the wall. Leave a bomb there to explode it and enter the cave through the new entrance.


Fire Rod: It shoots a fire beam. It is inside the Big Chest in the 3rd castle of the Dark World.


Cane of Somaria: It creates a block or a platform on the question marks in the 7th castle of the Dark World. It is inside the Big Chest in the 6th castle of the Dark World.


Cane of Byrna: It creates a circle of protection around you. It is in one of the caves on the left side of Death Mountain.


Magic Cape: This item allows you to become invisible. To find it, go to the cemetery in the Light World, lift the stones in front of the tombstone in the upper right corner, run and collide with it. A secret passage will open. Enter it to get the cape.

Bombos: This is a fire spell. You can find it on a stone in the desert of the Light World. In the Dark World, go to the entrance of the desert and use the mirror within an area surrounded by blue stakes.

Ether: This is an ice spell. You can find it on the upper left top of the Death Mountain in the Light World.

Quake: This spell creates an earthquake. It is located at the Lake of III Omen. There is a circle of stones there. Throw something into the circle. To get to the lake, follow the same path indicated on the map above on the page to get the flippers, but do this in the Dark World.

Heart Pieces - As soon as possible, I will add the screenshots.

1 - Kakariko Village - In the basement of Blind´s Hideout, there is a cracked wall. Blast it open to find a heart piece.

2 - Kakariko Village - Jump into the well from the hill above. Blast the cracked wall inside the well to find another heart piece.

3 - Near the Library - There is a house to the left of the library, south of Kakariko. Enter and blast the wall between the two rooms. Participate in the game and, to win, arrive before 15 seconds. Avoid stopping to read signs and cut the bushes.

4 - Lost Woods - There is a 3x3 square of bushes north of the main entrance to the bandits’ hideout. Lift the middle bush, fall into the hole and collect the heart piece.

5 - Dam - Enter the small house to the south that corresponds to the castle of the 2nd crystal in the Dark World. Pull the “lever” on the right, exit and get the heart piece on the left.

6 - Desert - There is a cave in the northeast corner of the desert with a cracked wall. Blast it open to find a heart piece.

7 - Desert - Upon leaving the Desert Palace (palace of the 2nd pendant) through the left exit (the one you leave to go to the boss’s entrance), touch the wall on the left and go south until you find a heart piece.

8 - West of the Sanctuary - Right to the west of it, there is a large green stone. Destroy it to reveal a cave with a heart piece.

9 - Zora´s Falls - After getting the flippers, go south. Pass the first waterfall, but before the second, go to the left. Look for a heart piece around there.

10 - Spectacle Rock - Walk around the left side of the rock formation in front of Spectacle Rock and fall to the platform. Enter the cave and go to the second floor (2F).

11 - Spectacle Rock - The first time you go to the Dark World and use the mirror to return to the Light World to enter the castle of the 3rd pendant, you appear next to a heart piece.

12 - Near the Lost Woods - After defeating Agahnim, the guys who were cutting the tree to the right of the Lost Woods finished cutting it. Run and bump into it to reveal a cave. Enter it and get the heart piece.

13 - Pyramid - As soon as you are in the pyramid of the Dark World, walk on the right side of it to get a heart.

14 - Lake Hylia - In the Dark World, find the circle of stones in the lake. Use the mirror to return to the Light World. You will be on top of an island with a heart.

15 - Near the Haunted Grove - In the Dark World, south of the Haunted Grove, there is a circle of bushes. Enter it and use the mirror. You will be on a platform in the Light World. Enter the cave and get the heart piece.

16 - Digging - Go to the place in the Dark World that corresponds to the game on the left side of the library in the Light World. Pay to play the digging game. Be patient to find the heart.

17 - North of the cemetery - In the Dark World, north of the cemetery, there is a ladder. You have to climb the ladder and use the mirror. When you are in the Light World, enter the cave next to you. There is a heart piece there.

18 - In a cave to the right of the forest in the Dark World, there is a place where a bumper (a ball that when you touch it jumps) prevents your passage. Use the cape to pass through it. Continue along the path to get the heart.

19 - Chest Game - In the village of the Dark World, there is a chest game. One of the prizes is a heart piece. You can start trying to find it…

20 - South of what would be the blacksmith’s house in the Dark World, there are several stumps. Flatten all with the hammer and a cave will appear. Enter it to get the heart.

21 - West of the entrance to Misery Mire - In the left mouth near the entrance to the 6th castle you will find a heart piece.

22 - Northeast corner of Misery Mire - Use the mirror to go to a higher place in the Light World. Lift the stone and enter the cave. There is a heart there.

23 - Death Mountain - Go west of Turtle Rock. Lift the first large stone. You will find a cave with platforms. Go up and walk across the invisible bridge. Continue until you appear outside again. There is a cave nearby and inside it you will find another piece.

24 - Death Mountain - After exiting the west of Turtle Rock, you will have to return through the east entrance. Before doing this, transport yourself to the Light World. You will be on a platform. Enter the cave to get a heart.

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