Fatality, a channel founded and managed by the producer NWB, was a project in which I participated from 2014 to 2021. My admission to the NWB took place through networking in my social circle through my friend Willian Lemos (socially known as “ Gordox”), where, at the time, I worked as an editor for him creating content for his personal channel using raw content from his lives. After some time working for him, we got close to the point of being involved in a project where he was called to be a presenter of a games channel in a production company and signaled the need to have an editor for this project, in this way, it was me proposed an invitation to get to know the space and see my adaptability to the parameters of the project. Being a pilot project, inexperience fostered a lot of insecurity in the first creations, but over time, the project began to gain body and professional maturity.
I remember once being invited to visit the production company and get to know the editing room, and on this visit I had the opportunity to present some of my authorial videos developed for the Tistocco personal channel and other extra-curricular projects such as the videos I edited for Gordox in addition to having a moment of relaxation and closeness with the production team's editing through a heated debate between the Sony Vegas programs and Premiere.
I left the production company that day somewhat hopeful, but I was never called to be an editor. Time passed and the events in the games segment increased and gained more social prominence, and in one of these events, the XMA, the director of Canal Rodolfo asked me to interview some cosplayers, making it a practical test to check my resourcefulness as an interviewer and presenter. The result of this pilot test can be seen below, however, my individual performance cannot be fully measured due to sharing camera time with Gordox.

After that, I continued working with Gordox as his editor and doing my personal projects for the Tistocco channel, however, always attending all gaming events in order to increase my professional networking and stay up to date with the latest in the gaming segment, where, in a of these events, Gordox cannot make the Fatality channel presentations, and due to this, Rodolfo and Arthur Palma (Camera and director) asked if I could make some videos for them being the presenter, thus officially starting my real first appearance on the channel. For the sake of curiosity, I remember that Rodolfo asked me to go out singing the girls from the Stands at the event, using game lines, a comical and super fun video dynamic that resulted, unusually, in a great acceptance and high audience by the public. , arousing the interest of the directors towards me on the channel. After that, I was gradually joining and working on more projects and proposals until the year 2021, this year when I presented my resignation from the project.